Have you ever noticed how an unshelled walnut kind of looks like a little brain? This is an easy way to remember one of the many benefits of the walnut! The nutrients that are found in walnuts, like polyphenols, vitamin E and polyunsaturated fats aid in reducing inflammation and oxidative damage in the brain. Simply put, this means that consuming walnuts regularly may improve your brain function. In fact, studies in older adults have linked the consumption of walnuts to faster processing speed, mental flexibility and better memory.
Now, while we could yammer on about the many benefits of the versatile walnut, did you know that there is a proper way to eat them? Sure, walnuts can be eaten after the outer shell has been removed, but they are even better for you if they are soaked in water first. When nuts that have a gritty exterior, like walnuts or almonds, are soaked and rinsed they objectively taste better. Soaking nuts removes residue, tannins and dust from the skin, providing a smoother, buttery flavor. When nuts and seeds are soaked in water, they begin to germinate which increases enzyme activity. Digesting soaked nuts is a lot easier for the body and this process even increases the nutritional value of the nuts! This is an important process for incorporating nuts into recipes, like one of our favorite uses: walnut meat. The Simple Veganista has a delectable recipe for walnut meat with lots of tips, tricks and variations! Follow the link below for their recipe!