It’s been a longstanding practice to add epsom salts to a warm bath. Epsom salt has been used as a home remedy for bodily aches and pains for decades, although few studies have been published on the science behind this practice. It is thought that the epsom salt breaks down into sulfur and magnesium which are then absorbed through the skin.
Whether or not it’s scientifically proven, a warm bath often does wonders to relax muscles and promote rest and healing. In the past several years, bath bombs have become hugely popular. These are fizzing spheres that contain different components that tint the water when added to a bath. However, depending on where you get them, bath bombs may contain harmful chemicals.
There is an alternative: homemade bath tea! These don’t necessarily have to include tea, though they can. Bath tea is a mixture of all natural ingredients that can be added to bathwater. There are dozens of options of what you can add. You can find a reputable seller of bath teas, or you can find good ingredients and make your own!
Putting actual tea in a bath is a great way to start. The aroma and components of the tea often have beneficial properties, both mentally and physically. Whatever tea you enjoy drinking, you may also like in your bath! Try a chamomile or peppermint for relaxation, green tea for antioxidants, and black tea for energy! The possibilities are endless.
Similar to tea, you can add dried herbs or flowers to bathwater. Natural, whole, dried herbs and flowers are best for bath tea. These are fantastic for aromatherapy, and different blends can create a relaxing or revitalizing scent. Some great options are sage, thyme, and rosemary, or if you like floral scents you can try rose, lavender, or violets!
There are also skincare benefits to adding tea to baths. Some great add-ins for skincare are ground oatmeal, powdered milk, or bentonite clay. These are all dry powders that can be added directly to the water by themselves or in any combination! However, it is important to be aware that most milk powder is not vegan, so oatmeal would be a better option.
For extra moisture, you can add oil to the water. While it won’t mix without an emulsifier such as castile soap or castor oil. Great moisturizing oils include olive oil, hemp, flax, or most other natural pressed oil. For those you don’t necessarily need an emulsifier, but that is an option. You can also use essential oils, but you must use an emulsifier with these as well. If they remain floating on the surface, they may cause skin irritation.
You can use Epsom salts in bath teas, as they are a great addition to any bath. If you want different options, you could also try some Himalayan pink salt! Himalayan pink salt contains a multitude of minerals, so it can be a great addition to a bath.
Finally, a super fun addition to bath tea is dried fruit! You can easily make your own dried fruit by slicing your favorite fruits and putting them in the oven at low heat for several hours. Try citrus fruits like orange or grapefruit, or other favorites such as apples, strawberries, or other berries!
Bath teas can be added directly to your bathwater in a “loose-leaf” method which is super fun, but it will allow things to float in the water and can be harder to clean up. You must be careful to take bits and pieces out before you drain or use a strainer over your drain. Otherwise, your bath tea may end up clogging your drain, and no one wants that!
You can also use a teabag type device which is a bag made of thin fabric such as linen or cheesecloth. This makes for easy cleanup, but also allows the tea ingredients to seep into the water. The bags are also reusable, so you can refill it with any bath tea blend you like!
If you decide to make a bath tea, be sure to find what’s right for you and be safe with any oils you use. Relax and enjoy your bath tea!