Raw Superfood Trail Mix

Raw Superfood Trail Mix

Raw Superfood Trail Mix


1 cup Jungle Peanuts

1 cup Pecans

1 cup Goji Berries

1 cup Golden Berries

1 cup Cacao Nibs


  1. Add all ingredients to a large bowl. Mix well and enjoy!

Foods Alive boasts a wide variety of organic, raw, and healthy foods, but what happens when you eat five of them together? Something amazing! The recipe for Raw Superfood Trail Mix is super simple which can make it fun and easy for kids to make. Not only that, but it is a healthy and delicious snack for kids and adults alike. The best part is the benefits of all the unique nutrients in each ingredient.

Each ingredient present in this Raw Superfood Trail Mix is chock full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial components. From antioxidants to anti-inflammatories, fiber, and so much more. The benefits are endless and this mix is safe and healthy for people on a variety of diets. From paleo to vegan to keto, just about anyone can snack on this delicious mix.

Jungle peanuts may be a new food for many people. Most people have tried peanuts at least once, and peanut butter is a staple in most households. While similar to the peanuts most families use, jungle peanuts have some key differences. Jungle peanuts are essentially the ancestor of modern peanuts. Found in South America, jungle peanuts grow mainly in the Amazon Rainforest, and Foods Alive sustainably and ethically sources their jungle peanuts from the indigenous Ashuar Tribe.

The Ashuar Tribe owns around 2 million acres of wild forest in South America, and oil companies and deforestation threaten that land. Foods Alive supports the Ashuar by sourcing their Jungle Peanuts solely from them, where the food originates. Jungle peanuts grow in rich soil, free of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, so they are true to the ancient legumes consumed hundreds or thousands of years ago. They provide nine essential amino acids, methionine, and oleic acid.

Rich in antioxidants and protein, jungle peanuts are a terrific addition to any diet. While many of the same benefits can be found in modern peanuts, there are some key differences. Most peanuts are roasted, which can remove many of the health benefits found in raw jungle peanuts. Few peanuts are organic, meaning they are grown with potentially harmful pesticides and fertilizers. Jungle peanuts are free of aflatoxin, which is common in modern peanuts. Thus, jungle peanuts are a healthier alternative to similar modern-day peanuts.

Much more common are pecans. Everyone has had or at least heard of pecan pie, but not many people know about the beneficial qualities of pecans.  Firstly, technically pecans are a seed rather than a nut, and pecan trees can bear these seeds for over three hundred years. Pecans are rich in vitamins E and A, folate, zinc, phosphorus, and iron, giving it a slew of health benefits. These components can promote skin and hair health, as well as overall health. Fiber is also present in pecans, helping you to feel full and promoting digestive health. On top of this, research shows that pecans may decrease bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.

Golden berries go by many aliases, but Foods Alive sells them as just that; beautiful, nutrient-rich, dried golden berries. The berries are dried raw, ensuring that all the nutrients remain intact. They are full of vitamins A, C, D, and K as well as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Golden berries have a sweet-tart flavor that makes them a lovely addition to cakes, cookies, and other sweet treats. Yet they are low in sugar, making them safe for people with diabetes. In trail mix, they provide a pop of flavor and a handful of fiber. 

Cacao nibs provide a rich chocolate flavor in the trail mix. Most regular trail mixes available in stores feature chocolate chips or small candy of some sort, but they contain copious amounts of refined sugar. Cacao nibs are a natural alternative. They offer the same chocolatey flavor with none of the sugar, making them safe for those with diabetes. Antioxidant-rich and featuring magnesium, cocoa nibs also give more nutritional value than regular chocolate. Cacao nibs contain the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and anandamide that may lift the mood and boost energy. Cacao nibs are an all-around feel-good food.

The true nutritional knock out in this recipe comes in the form of Goji Berries. Said to promote longevity, goji berries are a goldmine of health benefits. They contain vitamin c, eighteen amino acids, 21 trace minerals, and rare phytochemicals. This abundance of nutrients offers dozens of health benefits. They are anti-inflammatory, promote eye health, maintain healthy skin, support a healthy immune system, and may protect against liver damage just to name a few. Truly, goji berries have immense benefits jammed into a tiny, sweet package.

Each of the individual ingredients carries immense health benefits, and together they only become greater. Just a handful of this trail mix can give you most of the nutrients needed for the day, so it is a great snack. Nuts and berries provide energy, making it a fantastic snack for work or school to help maintain focus and promote energetic work and play. A large bowl on the snack table at parties is a great option, giving the perfect blend of sweet and salty. Kids will love it, and it's a great way to get them all the nutrients they need.

A similar option to this Raw Superfood Trail Mix is our Globe Trekker Trail Mix that we offer. This trail mix contains Jungle Peanuts, Goji Berries, White Mulberries, and Cacao Nibs - all in which are organic and nutrient-dense.

Foods Alive carries all the ingredients you need to make some incredibly delicious and nutritious food. Give this recipe a try, and let us see it! Post your creations on social media and tag us or use the hashtag #foodsalive. Don't be afraid to make this recipe your own. You can swap out the ingredients like using walnuts rather than pecans or toss in a cup of pumpkin seeds. We can't wait to see what you create!







