Artisan Cold-Pressed Salad Dressings | Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten-Free, Raw, Vegan, Kosher | Asian, Ranch, Italian, Greek, Garlic Paprika, Sweet Mustard, Sweet & Sassy

Healthy Store-Bought Salad Dressings

Do you know that most store-bought salad dressings can be detrimental to your health? You might be surprised how bad they really are! Yes, they are tasty and labelled "organic, vegan, gluten-free", however, these dressings are filled with over-processed and refined oils, preservatives, high fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, and refined sugar- not the type you want to drizzle all over your veggies!

Most dressings on the market are made with soybean, vegetable, or canola oil. These oils are highly processed and made by heating, refining, and using chemical solvents to create the final product. They sure do taste good, but are they TRULY HEALTHY for you? Read the ingredient labels. Too many ingredients, aye? Of course, a lot of the dressings on the market are added with various types of sugar, salt, artificial flavors and colors, and chemicals to extend its shelf life to make the salad dressings have an appeal.

But don't worry, because Foods Alive offers a variety of dressings that are TRULY healthy and organic. We call our salad dressings the "SUPERFOOD Dressings"

Wondering why? Because unlike any other dressing, dipping sauce, or finishing sauce, Foods Alive Superfood Dressings contain 40-50% omega-rich oil so that you can get all of your essential fatty acids (EFAs) in one salad. The dressings are made with artisan cold-pressed organic flax, chia, black sesame, natural sesame, and/or hemp oils.

Pretty neat, huh?

Not only that, these dressings are crafted in small batches to ensure its freshness and are never refined! This maximizes the minerals and essential omega oils to provide your family with the healthiest superfood dressing on the market. Not only are they truly healthy for you, but they also taste delectable. Try it for yourself!